2024.05.28 22:50 GMT+8

China, Equatorial Guinea vow to strengthen alignment of development strategies

Updated 2024.05.29 12:26 GMT+8

National flags of China and Equatorial Guinea. /CFP

China and Equatorial Guinea on Tuesday issued a joint statement on strengthening the alignment of their development strategies.

The two sides will jointly prepare and sign a cooperation plan on promoting the Belt and Road Initiative, uphold the principles of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, and actively advance cooperation in various areas to strive for more practical results, according to the statement.

Both sides reaffirmed each other's support to independently explore a development path suited to their national conditions and will continue to strengthen exchanges and mutual learning of experience in state governance.

The two sides also emphasized that mutual support on issues related to each other's core interests is a prerequisite for high-level mutual political trust.

China reiterated its firm support for the Equatorial Guinea in safeguarding its national independence and interests in sovereignty, security and development, and firmly opposed interference by external forces in the internal affairs of Equatorial Guinea. The Equatorial Guinea side reiterated its firm commitment to the one-China principle.

The two sides agreed to further expand trade and investment cooperation and deepen cooperation in areas such as agriculture and fisheries, energy and mining, and infrastructure. 

Equatorial Guinea vowed to strengthen communication with Chinese enterprises and actively implement existing cooperation projects, while further improving the business environment and providing favorable conditions for Chinese enterprises to operate in the country. 

China welcomes the active participation of Equatorial Guinea in the China International Import Expo, China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo and the Canton Fair, and supports more high-quality agricultural and fishery products from Equatorial Guinea to enter the Chinese market. 

China will encourage more Chinese enterprises to invest in Equatorial Guinea to diversify its economy, according to the joint statement.

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