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Giant pandas 'Jin Xi' and 'Zhu Yu' make debut in Spain


Visitors to Spain's Madrid Zoo Aquarium were introduced to a giant panda couple from China on May 30. The new arrivals were welcomed at an official ceremony attended by authorities and experts from both countries.

The two pandas, male "Jin Xi" and female "Zhu Yu,"  both born in 2020 at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in southwest China's Sichuan Province, arrived last month and have begun their 10-year residency at the zoo following the renewal of its agreement for giant panda protection with the China Wildlife Conservation Association. 

Giant panda
Giant panda "Zhu Yu." /CMG

Giant panda "Zhu Yu." /CMG

After the new couple's arrival on April 29, they completed a smooth quarantine period. They have been supervised by a technical team, including a caregiver and veterinarian from Chengdu City, who will be in Madrid for the next few months to help with their adaptation, according to the zoo.

Giant panda
Giant panda "Jin Xi." /CMG

Giant panda "Jin Xi." /CMG

The previous pair, "Bing Xing" and "Hua Zui Ba," returned nearly two months ago with their three Madrid-born cubs, after living in Spain for more than a decade.

Currently, the new couple is in good health. According to the zoo, the couple enjoys a mixed diet of more than 60 species of fresh bamboo and tender gourmet shoots. The male currently weighs around 110 kilograms and the female, 98 kilograms.

(With input from Xinhua)

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