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China's Chang'e-6 probe sends back images from the far side of the moon


An image of the Chang'e-6 lunar probe's lander and ascender taken by a movable camera brought to the far side of the moon by the probe. /CNSA
An image of the Chang'e-6 lunar probe's lander and ascender taken by a movable camera brought to the far side of the moon by the probe. /CNSA

An image of the Chang'e-6 lunar probe's lander and ascender taken by a movable camera brought to the far side of the moon by the probe. /CNSA

The China National Space Administration (CNSA) on Tuesday released an image of the Chang'e-6 lunar probe, as well as a series of images taken by its lander on the far side of the moon.

An image of the probe's lander and ascender was taken by a movable camera brought to the moon by the probe.

An image of the far side of the moon captured by the camera on the lander of China's Chang'e-6 probe. /CNSA
An image of the far side of the moon captured by the camera on the lander of China's Chang'e-6 probe. /CNSA

An image of the far side of the moon captured by the camera on the lander of China's Chang'e-6 probe. /CNSA

The images include those of the surface of the landing area taken by the camera during the landing process, as well as pictures of the landing site captured by the panoramic camera.

The image data was transmitted back to Earth through the Queqiao-2 relay satellite, and the images were processed and obtained by the ground application system.

An image of the surface of the far side of the moon captured by the camera on the lander of China's Chang'e-6 probe. /CNSA
An image of the surface of the far side of the moon captured by the camera on the lander of China's Chang'e-6 probe. /CNSA

An image of the surface of the far side of the moon captured by the camera on the lander of China's Chang'e-6 probe. /CNSA

An image of the surface of the far side of the moon captured by the camera on the lander of China's Chang'e-6 probe. /CNSA
An image of the surface of the far side of the moon captured by the camera on the lander of China's Chang'e-6 probe. /CNSA

An image of the surface of the far side of the moon captured by the camera on the lander of China's Chang'e-6 probe. /CNSA

An image of the surface of the far side of the moon captured by the panoramic camera on the lander of China's Chang'e-6 probe. /CNSA
An image of the surface of the far side of the moon captured by the panoramic camera on the lander of China's Chang'e-6 probe. /CNSA

An image of the surface of the far side of the moon captured by the panoramic camera on the lander of China's Chang'e-6 probe. /CNSA

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