2024.06.06 15:26 GMT+8

China's Chang'e-6 mission: Moon samples reach re-entry vehicle

Updated 2024.06.06 16:48 GMT+8
Gong Zhe

A render of how the moon sample is transferred from Chang'e-6 ascender to its orbiter-returner combo. /CNSA via China Media Group

The lunar samples collected from the far side of the moon during China's Chang'e-6 mission have been transferred to a re-entry vehicle at 3:24 p.m. Beijing Time (0724 GMT) on Thursday, according to the China National Space Administration (CNSA), as they make their way to Earth.

The ascender of the Chang'e-6 lunar probe, carrying the moon samples, performed an unmanned rendezvous and docking with the orbiter-returner combination in lunar orbit, CNSA said, adding that this is the second time China has achieved that, following the groundbreaking success of the Chang'e-5 mission in 2020.

CNSA also revealed details of the process. The ascender made four orbit adjustments after launching from the moon surface on Thursday. As the ascender closed in to the orbiter-returner combo, the combo moved autonomously toward the ascender for docking. Three K-shaped grappling mechanisms on the orbiter gripped the corresponding three connection rods on the ascender to finish the docking at 2:48 p.m. Beijing Time (0648 GMT).

The CNSA described the process as "automatic rendezvous and docking."

"It is also needed in future sampling-return missions from Mars and other destinations in space," said Hu Zhenyu, head of the Launch Site Engineering and Technology Team for the Chang'e-6 Mission. "[The mechanism] will continue to improve – get lighter in weight and more intelligent."

After safely transferring the samples to the re-entry vehicle, the orbiter-returner combo will separate from the ascender and go on orbiting the moon, waiting for a proper chance to return to Earth.

(Sun Ye and Wu Tong contributed to the story.)

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