2024.06.10 15:13 GMT+8

Stunning scenery of Sayram Lake in Xinjiang

Updated 2024.06.10 15:13 GMT+8

A paraglider flies over Sayram Lake in Xinjiang. /CGTN

A view of Sayram Lake in Xinjiang /CGTN

A swan rests on the surface of Sayram Lake in Xinjiang. /CGTN

Flowers bloom around Sayram Lake in Xinjiang. /CGTN

Visitors take photos by Sayram Lake in Xinjiang. /CGTN

Visitors take photos by Sayram Lake in Xinjiang. /CGTN

Swans swim on Sayram Lake in Xinjiang. /CGTN

A view of Sayram Lake in Xinjiang /CGTN

The water of Sayram Lake in Xinjiang is crystal clear. /CGTN

A solar halo is observed over Sayram Lake in Xinjiang. /CGTN

Dubbed "the last teardrop of the Atlantic," Sayram Lake in Xinjiang is said to be the farthest place where the warm air currents of the Atlantic Ocean can reach. Located in the northern Tianshan Mountains, it is the largest and also the highest alpine lake in Xinjiang, covering 458 square kilometers at an altitude of 2,073 meters. The color of the lake varies depending on the weather and can be crystalline blue on a clear day.

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