2024.06.12 20:21 GMT+8

Live: Lychee economy empowered by 5G livestream

Updated 2024.06.12 20:21 GMT+8

Sweetness fills the air in June thanks to the fragrant smell of lychee. During a Lychee Festival in Guangzhou City's Zengcheng District, farmers use 5G-powered livestreams to promote their orchards and fruits. Walking through their orchards, they bring a hearty and smooth live broadcast to viewers around the world from under any lychee tree. 

Although this year's lychee production has decreased due to rain and abnormal weather, technology has empowered fruit farmers to sell their lychees to many parts of the country and the world. CGTN's Liu Jiaxin joined the farmers' live broadcast in the Donglin Orchard in Zengcheng to take a closer look at this year's rare lychee varieties and learn about them.

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