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Chinese premier calls on China, New Zealand to stay as partners for common development


 , Updated 13:57, 13-Jun-2024

Chinese Premier Li Qiang on Thursday called on China and New Zealand to always remain partners for common development.

In his meeting with New Zealand's Governor-General Cindy Kiro at Government House, Wellington, Li said China and New Zealand share similar development concepts, cultural values and international propositions, adding that the two countries have benefited from each other's development over the years.

China is willing to further enhance cooperation with New Zealand, strengthen educational, cultural and other people-to-people exchanges, expand personnel exchanges, and support the two peoples in writing more stories of friendly exchanges, Li added. 

The Chinese premier said that since the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and New Zealand 52 years ago, the friendship between both countries has been enduring and bilateral relations have achieved substantial development.

Noting his visit to New Zealand marks the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the China-New Zealand comprehensive strategic partnership, Li said it is a trip of friendship and cooperation.

"China is ready to join hands with New Zealand to upgrade the China-New Zealand comprehensive strategic partnership and bring more benefits to people of the two countries and the world at large," Li added.

Echoing Li, Kiro said that New Zealand is willing to continue to deepen cooperation in various fields with China, strengthen people-to-people exchanges, further enhance the friendship between the two peoples, and jointly cope with global issues such as climate change.

Premier Li arrived in Wellington on Thursday for an official visit to New Zealand, the first leg of his three-nation tour from June 13 to 20 which will also take him to Australia and Malaysia.

(With input from Xinhua)

(Cover: Government House, Wellington, New Zealand. /CFP)

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