2024.06.17 15:58 GMT+8

Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu disbands war cabinet

Updated 2024.06.17 23:04 GMT+8

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu chairs a cabinet meeting at the Kirya military base in Tel Aviv, Israel, December 24, 2023. /CFP

An Israeli government spokesman on Monday confirmed that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had dissolved the war cabinet following the resignation of centrist leader Benny Gantz earlier this month. 

David Mencer, spokesman at the prime minister's office, told reporters the war cabinet was a "prerequisite" for former army chief and defense minister Gantz to join a unity government. "So with Mr Gantz leaving government, there is no need for the cabinet. Its duties will be taken over by the security cabinet", a pre-existing body, on matters regarding the conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip, he said. 

The war cabinet, created on October 11, 2023, days after the beginning of Israel's conflict with Hamas in the Gaza Strip, was to discuss Israel's operations in the enclave and along the northern border against the Lebanese armed group Hezbollah, a Hamas ally in the region.  

Israeli media said Netanyahu announced the disbanding during a security cabinet meeting on Sunday and the move, which was not expected to trigger any major policy shift, was meant to counter pressure from far-right politicians seeking a greater say in decision-making.

Netanyahu had faced demands from the nationalist-religious partners in his coalition, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, to be included in the war cabinet, a move which would have intensified strains with international partners, including the United States.

Gantz, leader of the only centrist party in Netanyahu's coalition government, resigned on June 9 and accused Netanyahu of prioritizing his political survival over a ceasefire deal that would secure the release of about 100 hostages held in Gaza. Gantz's partner Gadi Eisenkot, an observer of the war cabinet, also quit the six-member group last week. 

(With input from agencies)

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