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Live: Fuxi commemoration in Tianshui, northwest China's Gansu Province


Live: Fuxi commemoration in Tianshui, northwest China's Gansu Province

The ceremony to commemorate Fuxi, a mythical ancestor of the Chinese nation, is held in the city of Tianshui, northwest China's Gansu Province. Fuxi is believed to be the inventor of writing, fishing and hunting in Chinese civilization, and Tianshui is said to be his birthplace. Worshiping Fuxi is a tradition in China. In 2006, the State Council listed the annual ceremony commemorating Fuxi in Tianshui as a national intangible cultural heritage.

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Live: Fuxi commemoration in Tianshui, northwest China's Gansu Province


The ceremony to commemorate Fuxi, a mythical ancestor of the Chinese nation, is held in the city of Tianshui, northwest China's Gansu Province. Fuxi is believed to be the inventor of writing, fishing and hunting in Chinese civilization, and Tianshui is said to be his birthplace. Worshiping Fuxi is a tradition in China. In 2006, the State Council listed the annual ceremony commemorating Fuxi in Tianshui as a national intangible cultural heritage.