2024.06.24 21:23 GMT+8

CGTN poll: 93.1% oppose the U.S. creating 'the Asian version of NATO'

Updated 2024.06.24 21:23 GMT+8

A view of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., U.S., April 20, 2024. /CFP

"If you're not at the table, you're on the menu." The United States, which believes in the law of the jungle, is pulling countries in the Asia-Pacific region onto the "menu." A recent global online poll conducted by CGTN showed that 93.1 percent of the global respondents believe that the security in the Asia-Pacific region should be achieved through political dialogue and peaceful negotiations among Asia-Pacific countries and firmly oppose the U.S. creating an "Asian version of NATO," which is full of the flavor of the Cold War and confrontation.

Most countries in the Asia-Pacific region have long suffered from the aggression and oppression of imperialism and colonialism, and the current stability of the Asia-Pacific region was hard-won. In the survey, 93.3 percent of the respondents believe that the security of one country should not come at the expense of that of others.  

Under the instigation of the United States, NATO's expansion into the Asia-Pacific region has been frequent. In addition to rumors of establishing a liaison office in Tokyo, NATO has also drawn Japan, South Korea, Australia and other Asia-Pacific allies to participate in the NATO summit and provocatively interfere in Asia-Pacific affairs under the banner of "rules and order." 

In the survey, 93.1 percent of respondents strongly opposed NATO's frequent involvement in Asia-Pacific security affairs by breaking geographical restrictions. Meanwhile, 91.2 percent of the respondents believe that the United States' strong push for NATO's involvement in the Asia-Pacific region deserves high vigilance. One netizen bluntly said, "As a belligerent organization, NATO must be disbanded, and there is no longer any reason for its existence."

A screenshot of the post one of the respondents put on X commenting on the U.S. creating "the Asian version of NATO." /@marie-christinelange131

In addition to pushing NATO to intervene in Asia-Pacific security affairs, the U.S. has also set up a number of "minilateral" mechanisms in the Asia-Pacific region, including the Five Eyes Alliance, the U.S.-Japan-India-Australia Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD), the U.S.-Britain-Australia Trilateral Security Partnership (AUKUS), the U.S.-Japan-South Korea Trilateral Cooperation Mechanism and the U.S.-Japan-Philippines Trilateral Cooperation Mechanism. 

Some 82.8 percent of global respondents criticized these mechanisms as a "small circle" with mutual collusion and filled with old Cold War thinking and factional confrontation. Another 86.1 percent of respondents are concerned that once "the Asian version of NATO" is formed, it will intensify regional confrontation and seriously undermine the strategic balance of the Asia-Pacific region. "The United States sells out the interests of other countries for its own interest value, causing other countries to fight while reaping the benefits for itself," a netizen said.

A screenshot of respondent Chaaben Mohamed's post on X, commenting on the U.S. creating "the Asian version of NATO." /Chaaben Mohamed

The survey was released on CGTN's English, Spanish, French, Arabic and Russian platforms, with 10,688 netizens voting and expressing their opinions within 24 hours.

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