2024.06.28 13:15 GMT+8

Chaos, aggression, hegemony, CGTN Poll reveals how Asians view U.S.

Updated 2024.06.28 13:15 GMT+8

The U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C., the United States. /Xinhua

"How the Chinese people view the United States fundamentally depends on the United States itself," said a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, which has triggered a heated debate in international public opinion. What is the image of the United States like? According to a poll conducted by CGTN and Renmin University in China through the New Era Institute of International Communication for respondents from Asian countries, the high-frequency descriptors of the United States' image include domestic turmoil, interference in other countries, aggressiveness and hegemony.

Gun violence is getting worse, drug abuse is rampant, and racial discrimination is deeply entrenched. The problem of domestic governance disorder in the U.S. is increasingly severe. According to Asian respondents, the United States' often touted "beacon of democracy" and "model of governance," which appears pale in the face of reality. In the survey, 84.4 percent of the respondents believe that gun violence has become a persistent problem in American society; 75.4 percent perceive systematic racial discrimination in the U.S.; 75.8 percent believe that the wealth gap in the U.S. is widening; 69.9 percent believe that U.S. is plagued by drug issues.

In addition, in the opinion of Asian respondents, the two-party struggle and political polarization in the U.S. are also further tearing apart American society, with 82.5 percent believing that the struggle between the Democratic and Republican parties in the U.S. is worsening societal divisions, and 81.7 percent feeling it highlights the flaws in the U.S. political system.

Incompetent domestic governance and aggressive militarism in foreign affairs have led to fears among over 60.5 percent of Asian respondents regarding the United States' invasion and interference in other countries. In the survey, 71.7 percent of the respondents believe that the United States often interferes in the internal affairs of other countries and suppresses other countries under the banner of democracy; 75.4 percent believe that the United States is the most belligerent country in the history of the world; 70.2 percent are worried about the United States instigating color revolutions and proxy wars abroad; 73.6 percent believe that the United States' wantonly launching of wars has led to serious humanitarian crises, and 73 percent see U.S. military assistance and arms sales to other countries as a serious threat to global peace and stability.

After becoming the world's top power post two world wars and the Cold War, the United States has grown more reckless, seeking to establish and maintain its hegemonic status: frequently withdrawing from agreements, asserting jurisdiction indiscriminately, disregarding international rules, and showing clear tendencies toward dominance and bullying.

The survey found that 69.1 percent of Asian respondents accuse the United States of using double standards in international rules; 64.4 percent of respondents believe that the abuse of sanctions by the U.S. against other countries is an act of economic coercion and hegemony; 67.4 percent criticize the United States for imposing its own standards and will on others, disregarding the universally accepted rules of the international community; 67.9 percent of respondents believe that the United States is using its Dollar Hegemony to shift domestic economic issues to the international community; 74.4 percent of respondents consider the United States to be a hegemonic country.

The poll was conducted among 2,009 respondents from 10 Asian countries, including Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, the United Arab Emirates, the Philippines, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan and Japan.

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