2024.06.29 10:05 GMT+8

Graphic: Tracing the key declarations and themes of SCO

Updated 2024.06.29 10:05 GMT+8

Since the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) was founded in 2001, it has issued 23 declarations named after the annual summit venues. During this period, the SCO has also issued many other documents, some addressing the organization's operational norms and others focusing on specific areas of cooperation.

By analyzing these documents, we can identify the key areas of SCO cooperation over different periods. These focus areas reflect both the pressing issues of the time, such as multilateral economic cooperation during the 2009 financial crisis and combating COVID-19 in 2020, as well as enduring themes like combating terrorism and maintaining regional stability. These documents and declarations not only highlight the SCO's cooperative efforts but also chronicle its development over the years.

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