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U.S. fabrication of 'Volt Typhoon' to smear China: Report


 , Updated 19:36, 08-Jul-2024


China's National Computer Emergency Response Center and other institutions jointly released a special report in April, revealing that the so-called "China-backed Volt Typhoon" hacking organization was hyped up by the United States. 

A recent analysis released by the Chinese cybersecurity agencies reaffirmed the report, showing that the U.S. government agencies planned to implement the "Volt Typhoon" action at least from the beginning of 2023, aiming to continue the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Section 702, which was previously due to expire at the end of 2023, so as to carry out cyber attacks on other countries.

On Sunday, a reporter from China Media Group obtained the latest investigation results from the National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center of China regarding the disinformation campaign.

The joint report from the National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center, the National Engineering Laboratory for Computer Virus Prevention Technology and 360 Digital Security Group indicates that the campaign began no later than early 2023 and was directed behind the scenes by U.S. intelligence agencies, including the National Security Agency (NSA) and FBI.

This campaign involved politicians holding anti-China views in the U.S. Congress, the White House, the Department of Justice, the Department of Defense, the Department of Energy, the Department of Homeland Security and cybersecurity authorities from the "Five Eyes" alliance countries.

This campaign exhibits typical characteristics of American-style internet marketing and constitutes a thorough "cognitive domain" operation based on targeted advertising, according to the report.

In this operation, U.S. intelligence agencies abused their administrative powers to manipulate cybersecurity companies and other governmental bodies. By disseminating false information, they fabricated and amplified the "China cyber threat" narrative, deceiving American taxpayers and members of the Congress.

This operation infringed upon the legitimate rights of Chinese enterprises and aimed to push for the reauthorization of Section 702 of the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), often referred to as the "warrantless surveillance act."

Additionally, they sought congressional approval for larger budget allocations to further consolidate and enhance the cyber infiltration capabilities of U.S. intelligence agencies, particularly to strengthen their external attack and deterrence capabilities against competitors and their internal surveillance and control over the populace, according to the report.

The 'Volt Typhoon' campaign

The investigation results clearly state that the entire "Volt Typhoon" operation progressed through three main phases, leading up to the present.

1. The preparation stage (January 2023 to May 2023): The U.S. government officials simultaneously advocated for the extension of Section 702 of FISA in Congress while fabricating a cyberattack incident at the U.S. military base in Guam. They instructed Microsoft to produce technical analysis reports and involved relevant agencies from other "Five Eyes" alliance countries to bolster support for extending Section 702.

2. The implementation phase (June 2023 to January 2024): The U.S. government agencies continued to use the fabricated "Volt Typhoon" group to intimidate members of the Congress. They resorted to various tactics, including behind-the-scenes maneuvers, to ensure the temporary extension of Section 702. Meanwhile, they collaborated with certain anti-China lawmakers to conspire on plans to suppress Chinese internet enterprises.

3. The consolidation phase (February 2024 to April 2024): The U.S. government agencies successfully used this disinformation campaign to influence both chambers. They formally passed legislation, achieving the long-term extension of Section 702 and fulfilling their ultimate goal of suppressing Chinese internet enterprises.

Continuous cyberspace war of the U.S. against China

The report from Chinese cybersecurity agencies also points out that from May 2023 to the present, hacker groups associated with U.S. government agencies conducted more than 45 million cyberattacks against Chinese government entities, universities, research institutions, large enterprises and critical infrastructure.

These attacks targeted over 140 organizations, with samples of attack tools discovered within the systems of these targeted entities pointing towards agencies such as the CIA, NSA and FBI. These actions were all authorized under Section 702.

China firmly opposes U.S. international hegemony

The report further points out that in the future, it is highly likely that U.S. cybersecurity companies, under the control of U.S. intelligence agencies, will fabricate more false narratives of "foreign government-supported cyberattacks." This ongoing deception aims to continually deceive the U.S. Congress into approving more budgets and increasing the debt burden on American taxpayers.

The report also urges U.S. politicians should focus on managing their own domestic political issues instead of consistently using China as a "scapegoat." They should not entertain illusions of isolating or containing China's development, it adds.

In the end, the report issues a global warning that U.S. Section 702 is a crucial legal foundation for the U.S. to build its "hacker empire." It poses a serious threat not only to the American people but also to the sovereignty, security and personal privacy rights of citizens worldwide, including those in China.

The report calls on governments and people around the world to firmly oppose and resist the egregious actions of the U.S. in using its technological advantage to infringe upon the sovereignty and legitimate interests of other countries and their people.

Full report: Volt Typhoon II:A secret Disinformation Campaign targeting U.S. Congress and Taxpayers conducted by U.S. Government agencies

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