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In the heartland of Qufu, the birthplace of Confucius, lies the captivating Luyuan Town – a comprehensive cultural and creative attraction that promises an immersive experience. The town covers an area of 370,000 square meters. As a drone glides gracefully above the town, viewers are treated to breathtaking vistas that showcase the architectural grandeur and cultural richness of Luyuan Town. Once open to the public, it is projected to welcome more than 5 million visitors annually. Join CGTN to have a look!
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Copyright © 2024 CGTN. 京ICP备20000184号
Disinformation report hotline: 010-85061466
In the heartland of Qufu, the birthplace of Confucius, lies the captivating Luyuan Town – a comprehensive cultural and creative attraction that promises an immersive experience. The town covers an area of 370,000 square meters. As a drone glides gracefully above the town, viewers are treated to breathtaking vistas that showcase the architectural grandeur and cultural richness of Luyuan Town. Once open to the public, it is projected to welcome more than 5 million visitors annually. Join CGTN to have a look!