2024.07.11 10:50 GMT+8

Chinese Mission to EU slams NATO's smears and attacks

Updated 2024.07.11 10:50 GMT+8

U.S. President Joe Biden delivers remarks at a meeting of the heads of state of the North Atlantic Council at the 2024 NATO Summit in Washington, D.C., U.S., July 10, 2024. /CFP

The Chinese Mission to the European Union (EU) on Thursday lashed out at NATO's North Atlantic Council over the "Cold War mentality and belligerent rhetoric" reflected in its joint declaration released at a summit in Washington on Wednesday.

In the declaration, leaders of NATO member countries allege that China's "ambitions and coercive policies" continue to challenge NATO's interests, security and values. The statement hypes up China-Russia relations for allegedly undercutting and reshaping the rules-based international order and claims that China has become a decisive enabler of Russia's war against Ukraine and poses systemic challenges to Euro-Atlantic security. The declaration also argues that developments in the Indo-Pacific directly affect Euro-Atlantic security and hurls accusations against China in the cyber, space, nuclear and other fields.

"The China-related paragraphs are provocative with obvious lies and smears," said a spokesperson of the Chinese Mission to the EU in a statement. "We firmly reject and deplore these accusations and have lodged serious representations with NATO."

The spokesperson reiterated that China did not create the Ukraine crisis and its position on Ukraine is open and aboveboard.

Noting that China aims to promote peace talks and seek political settlement, the spokesperson said that China never provided lethal weapons to either party of the conflict and exercises strict export control on dual-use goods including civilian drones.

The normal trade flows between China and Russia does not target any third party, nor should it be subject to disruption or coercion, the spokesperson added.

"The Ukraine crisis has prolonged for so long. But who is adding fuel to the fire? Who is fanning the flames? And who is seeking selfish gains? The answer is clear to everyone," said the spokesperson.

The Chinese Mission to the EU urged NATO to listen carefully to the international community and heed just voices. "Instead of scapegoating others, NATO should reflect on itself, take real actions to defuse the situation and solve the problem," it added.

The spokesperson also said that the Asia-Pacific region is a place for peaceful development, not a wrestling ground for geopolitical competition. "NATO keeps playing up the interlink between Europe's security and the security in the Asia Pacific. What is the motive behind the scene? We urge NATO to stay within its role as a regional defensive organization in the North Atlantic," the spokesperson added.

NATO should not become the disrupter of peace and stability in the Asia Pacific or a tool used by certain powers to maintain hegemony, the spokesperson said.

Stressing China is a force for world peace, a contributor to global development and a defender of international order, the Chinese Mission to the EU called on NATO to correct its misperceptions on China, and abandon Cold War mentality and zero-sum approach.

NATO should stop hyping up the so-called China threat and provoking confrontation and rivalry, and do more to contribute to world peace and stability, the spokesperson stated.

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