2024.07.11 15:30 GMT+8

Undersea coral transplantation enhances Hainan's marine ecosystem

Updated 2024.07.11 15:30 GMT+8

Coral reefs play a crucial role in underwater ecosystems, providing habitats and the foundation of food chains for numerous marine species. In the waters of Hainan Province, researchers have been diligently "planting" corals underwater for years.

Coral conservation volunteers are seen transplanting corals underwater in Hainan Province on June 8, 2024. /CFP

Coral plants prepared for transplanting under the waters of Hainan Province /CFP

Since 2004, the Hainan Boundary Island tourist area has been working with the local authorities to implement a series of coral conservation programs, including coral reef transplantation and other marine ecological restoration projects.

Coral reefs are seen after being successfully transplanted under the waters of Hainan Province on June 8, 2024. /CFP

On World Oceans Day, an underwater coral transplant event was also held in the waters surrounding the area. This initiative not only supports marine ecological restoration, but also demonstrates aspects of the coral conservation work in the area and its achievements to tourists participating in diving projects.

Volunteers prepare to dive into the sea to transplant coral reefs in Hainan Province on June 8, 2024. /CFP

Thanks to years of dedicated conservation efforts, the coral cover in the waters around Boundary Island has increased significantly, providing a wider habitat for a growing number of marine species.

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