2024.07.12 15:44 GMT+8

China achieves bumper summer grain harvest in 2024

Updated 2024.07.12 15:44 GMT+8

A tractor handles grain during the summer grain harvest in Zhoukou City, central China's Henan Province. /CMG

China has seen another year with a bumper summer grain harvest in 2024, with a total output of 149.78 million tonnes, up 2.5 percent or nearly 3.63 million tonnes year on year, according to a survey conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics on Friday.

The country's summer grain sown area rose to 26.613 million hectares in 2024, 4,500 hectares larger than last year, maintaining stability. Over 23 million hectares of wheat were sown, up 0.1 percent year on year, according to the survey.

This year's summer grain yield reached 5,628 kilograms per hectare, an increase of 2.5 percent or 135.4 kilograms from last year. Henan Province in central China achieved a summer grain yield of nearly 37.86 million tonnes this year, the most at the provincial level, the survey showed.

In May, China called for efforts to secure a bumper summer grain harvest and promote the innovative development of agriculture. While calling for efforts to enhance cross-regional mechanized harvesting, prevent and control disasters, and prepare for summer sowing, the country emphasized that minimum grain purchase prices should be observed to ensure that farmers are able to earn money.

(With input from Xinhua)

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