2024.07.12 17:09 GMT+8

Magical Danxia landform presents 'Tree of the Earth' landscape

Updated 2024.07.12 17:09 GMT+8

The Danxia landform resembles a huge red tree bursting out from the embrace of Mother Earth, stretching its branches and leaves towards the sky in Urad Middle Banner, Bayannur, Inner Mongolia, July 8, 2024. / CFP

The Danxia landform resembles a huge red tree bursting out from the embrace of Mother Earth, stretching its branches and leaves towards the sky in Urad Middle Banner, Bayannur, Inner Mongolia, July 8, 2024. / CFP

The Danxia landform resembles a huge red tree bursting out from the embrace of Mother Earth, stretching its branches and leaves towards the sky in Urad Middle Banner, Bayannur, Inner Mongolia, July 8, 2024. / CFP

The Danxia landform resembles a huge red tree bursting out from the embrace of Mother Earth, stretching its branches and leaves towards the sky in Urad Middle Banner, Bayannur, Inner Mongolia, July 8, 2024. / CFP

The Danxia landform resembles a huge red tree bursting out from the embrace of Mother Earth, stretching its branches and leaves towards the sky in Urad Middle Banner, Bayannur, Inner Mongolia, July 8, 2024. / CFP

The Danxia landform in Urad Middle Banner, Bayannur City, Inner Mongolia, has attracted the attention of netizens in China. From aerial photography taken by drones, several criss-crossing ravines are seen forming a "big tree," with clear visible trunks and branches. This craftsmanship of nature has amazed people. At sunrise and sunset, the winding and undulating riverbed emits a gentle red light, making it even more colorful. The winding and twisting ravines are like veins deep in the earth, exuding an ancient and majestic vitality.

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