2024.07.12 23:09 GMT+8

Screening event launched for patriotic videos about Macao's youth

Updated 2024.07.12 23:09 GMT+8

Themed "Lotus blossoms in the prosperous future," the collection and screening event for patriotic videos about Macao's young generation was launched in China's Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) on Friday. Wang Xiaozhen, vice president of China Media Group (CMG), and Ao Ieong U, secretary for social affairs and culture at the Macao SAR government, launched the screening event and delivered speeches. Qi Zhuquan, a member of CMG's editorial board, attended the event.

Wang Xiaozhen (L), vice president of CMG, and Ao Ieong U, secretary for social affairs and culture at the Macao SAR government. /CMG

Wang said that CMG continues to deepen cooperation with the Macao SAR government and all sectors in telling Macao's story and showcasing its unique charm.

Wang Xiaozhen, vice president of CMG. /CMG

Ao Ieong U said the event expressed the most unique, sincere ideas of the young generation on the development of Macao's society from their own perspective.

Ao Ieong U, secretary for social affairs and culture at the Macao SAR government. /CMG

The screening event focused on the development of Macao on the 25th anniversary of its return to China, telling the story of Macao's successful approach to "One Country, Two Systems." The works featured at the event will be broadcast by CMG, Teledifusao de Macau, and other mainstream media outlets in China's Hong Kong and Macao.

The Memorandum of Cooperation between CMG Asia-Pacific and Macao Polytechnic University is signed. /CMG

Cao Yi, director of CMG Asia-Pacific, and Im Sio Kei, rector of Macao Polytechnic University, signed the Memorandum of Cooperation between CMG Asia-Pacific and Macao Polytechnic University. The two sides aim to cultivate Portuguese-speaking international communication talents, promote the in-depth application of cutting-edge technologies and help Macao better integrate into the national development.

(Cover: The collection and screening event is launched in Macao SAR, China, July 12, 2024. /CMG)

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