2024.07.13 10:10 GMT+8

China sees improved living environment in rural areas

Updated 2024.07.13 10:10 GMT+8

China has made remarkable progress in improving the living conditions in rural areas, data from the country's agricultural ministry shows.

The country stepped up efforts to strengthen the weak links in public infrastructure in 2023. Over 73 percent of China's rural households have gained access to sanitary toilets, the rural residential sewage treatment rate stands at over 40 percent, and clean-up campaigns have been launched in over 95 percent of villages. 

Additionally, over 90 percent of villages in China are serviced by household waste disposal solutions. Further efforts will also be made to fulfil the practical demands of rural residents and provide inclusive public services.

China achieved its poverty alleviation targets at the end of 2020, whereby 98.99 million rural people living under the poverty line of about $1 per day were taken out of poverty and 832 poverty-stricken counties as well as 128,000 villages were removed from the poverty list.

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