2024.07.30 20:25 GMT+8

Champions Park becomes a new tradition for Olympic celebration

Updated 2024.07.30 20:25 GMT+8
Sports Scene

For the first time in Summer Games history, organizers have created a dedicated space, the Champions Park, where athletes can celebrate their victories with fans.

Located at the Trocadero, the site of the opening ceremony, Champions Park provides a unique opportunity for Olympic winners to share their joy with family members and thousands of fans, all without the need for tickets or reservations.

With medals around their necks and the iconic Eiffel Tower as a backdrop, athletes have been chanting, dancing, and even shedding tears of joy. More than 1,000 athletes are expected to join in the celebrations, which include music, entertainers, and live broadcasts of the Games. Organizers anticipate around 130,000 visitors by the end of the Olympics.

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