Global Stringer
2024.08.05 11:31 GMT+8

Champions at Home: A 30-year love affair with football

Updated 2024.08.05 11:31 GMT+8
Global Stringer

Chen Lei has been a football lover and player for over 30 years. Because of the game, he met his wife during the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, and their daughter also inherited their love for football. 

Chen belongs to a football society known as the "Thousand-Year Talents," which gets its name from the team's belief that the combined ages of all its members would total 1,000 years. Chen says he is lucky he built community around his passion. "I don't think my love for football will ever lessen," he said. "Even if I'm no longer able to play in the future, I'll still be able to watch."

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