Global Stringer
2024.08.24 10:44 GMT+8

Champions at home: The test towards success

Updated 2024.08.24 10:44 GMT+8
Global Stringer

In the world of sports, some names symbolize strength and perseverance. Asylbek Uulu Zhamalbek, a Kyrgyz sambo world champion, is one such name. His relentless pursuit of excellence in sambo, along with the wisdom and determination he has displayed in overcoming challenges, has inspired young athletes to keep moving forward. In this video, Zhamalbek shared insights about his journey in the sport of sambo. "Every athlete and every person will face challenges and trials on the path to realizing their goals. And, no matter what challenges they face, I want to advise them to never lose the confidence to become champions," he said.

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