CGTN's Aljosa Milenkovic has spoken to Russian General Apti Alaudinov on the conflict in the Kursk region. The Russian general predicts the opposing forces to last no longer than three months there.
ALJOSA MILENKOVIC, CGTN Senior Correspondent "I am leaving Kursk now, with the people from the Ahmat special forces, heading to meet General Apti Alaudinov. He is one of the most prominent, public figures, who is appearing these days almost regularly on TV channels across Russia, and some channels around the world, explaining his and Russian point of view regarding this situation in the Kursk region."
"We arrived in a village close to the frontline, where the temporary headquarters of General Alaudinov are located. For security reasons, not to disclose the actual location, we were not allowed to film outside. Inside, fully loaded Kalashnikovs were on the bed, and General Alaudinov was on the radio station, talking with his soldiers in the most forward positions."
MAJOR GENERAL APTI ALAUDINOV, Commander of the Ahmat Special Forces "All is good. You look at the data, and if there's anything happening, say that, and we'll ask number 30."
"Shortly speaking, these are our flags. This is Ramzan Ahmatovich. So, on the flag of the 'Ahmat' special forces is Ahmat Hadzhi Kadyrov. His photo."
"Yes, at the time when on August 6th, the enemy gathered significant resources and went on the offensive on the Kursk region, it turns out that the line of defense was only one, which means, the enemy passed this line of defense. After this line, there were no troops or resources at all, and the enemy calmly advanced through peaceful settlements. And so it happened, in general, there was a great deal of panic, because no one could imagine how to stop this enemy."
"Now, the enemy forces are very much stretched out. Very stretched out. And in order to hold this territory it needs very large resources. But they don't have these resources. And they are suffering losses every day and these are very big losses, the enemy suffers every day. I think they will dry up in a maximum of two or three months. Physically, they won't be able to last more than three months here. That is, this is the time during which, I think, we will finish them off."