2024.08.28 03:48 GMT+8

China-Central Asia relations: What can we expect next?

Updated 2024.08.28 03:48 GMT+8

Chinese President Xi Jinping has begun state visits to Kazakhstan and Tajikistan and also to attend the 24th summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, marking another important interaction between China and Central Asia leaders. Over the past thirty years, China has become the largest trading partner of all five Central Asian countries, with trade and mutual investment increasing by over a hundred times. So what will be the focus of President Xi's visit? How will China and Central Asian countries continue to enhance relations and trade? And what measures can be taken to jointly contribute to global governance and world peace? 

Guests in this edition of Dialogue are Assel Tutumlu, associate professor in Political Science at Near East University; Wang Jin, associate professor at Northwest University of China; and Alouddin Komilov, research fellow at the Center for Progressive Reforms in Uzbekistan.  #Dialogue #CGTN #CentralAsiaTour2024 #SCO2024 #China

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