2024.08.28 03:52 GMT+8

China travel heat: Let's hear what foreign visitors say

Updated 2024.08.28 03:52 GMT+8

Expanding China's opening-up has been a key message of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, which just wrapped up last week. It also explains the goal of China's 144-hour visa-free transit policy which has also recently been in the spotlight, igniting a surge of "China Travel" with a growing number of foreign vloggers sharing their travel experiences on social media. The visa-free transit policy has been expanded to cover 54 countries and 41 ports. So what does such a practice, together with a growing list of visa-free deals, say about China's determination to further open up? What do these foreign visitors say about their stay in China? And what more can China do to attract more people from around the world to come visit? 

Guests in this edition of Dialogue are Travel Vloggers Ben Dridge, Reanne Dridge, Simon Phillips, and Ethan Phillips; Prof. Liu Baocheng from the University of International Business and Economics; and Mario Cavolo, senior fellow at the Center for China & Globalization.

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