2024.08.28 03:39 GMT+8

How to have positive cross-cultural dialogue in an age of booming information?

Updated 2024.08.28 03:39 GMT+8

For centuries, the Silk Road served as a vital network of trade routes that connected countries not only with exotic goods from different continents, but also with new ideas and stories of new cultures. This laid the groundwork for enduring intercultural dialogue and mutual learning. Now, in an era marked by rapid globalization, urbanization and digital transformation, the importance of dialogue among countries has become even more urgent and crucial. How can we draw upon the wisdom of different civilizations to address challenges facing our interconnected world today? And what are the approaches and opportunities to foster meaningful dialogue and collaboration across cultures?

Guests in this special episode of Dialogue are David Bartosch, distinguished research fellow at Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai; Han Hua, president of the Beijing Belt & Road Cooperative Community; and Josef Gregory Mahoney, professor of politics at East China Normal University.

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