2024.08.28 03:47 GMT+8

Rise of Chinese science: A worry for the West?

Updated 2024.08.28 03:47 GMT+8

 Five years ago, an article in The Economist famously asked the question: "Can China become a scientific superpower?" Just recently, that same magazine offered an answer, but appearing as another question with the title: "The rise of Chinese science, welcome or worrying?" What is the progress of China's scientific sector? What does it mean for the world and humanity? And finally: given the ongoing tensions between China and the U.S., should the two countries collaborate more or less?

Guests in this edition of Dialogue are Liu Ke, chair professor of Southern University of Science & Technology, dean of the School of Innovation & Entrepreneurship and dean of the Clean Energy Institute; Carl Fey, professor of strategy at BI Norwegian Business School in Oslo and affiliated scholar at the Boao Forum for Asia;  Warwick Powell, senior fellow at the Taihe Institute; and Pascal Coppens, keynote speaker, author & China expert.

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