2024.08.28 03:51 GMT+8

What is the state of China-Japan-ROK relations during a changing time?

Updated 2024.08.28 03:51 GMT+8

Leaders from China, Japan and ROK have held their first trilateral summit in Seoul in more than four years. Also, vice-ministerial-level diplomatic "2+2" dialogue between China and ROK has resumed. What have been the political interactions among the three nations? How is ROK - as an ally of the U.S. and also as a major trading partner with China - balancing ties as the U.S. continues to build influence in the region?

This edition of Dialogue is an exclusive interview with Professor Chung-in MOON, James Laney Distinguished Professor at Yonsei University in ROK. Prof Moon was also a special presidential advisor on national security and foreign affairs.

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