2024.08.29 14:41 GMT+8

Key milestones of China-Africa cooperation under BRI

Updated 2024.08.29 21:44 GMT+8

A parterre for the 2024 Beijing summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation is displayed in Beijing, China, August 27, 2024. /CFP

China released a report on Thursday on the achievements of China-Africa cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative.

Chinese companies have made significant contributions to infrastructural development in Africa, participating in the construction and renovation of over 10,000 kilometers of railways, nearly 100,000 km of highways, close to 1,000 bridges and nearly 100 ports. Additionally, they have built 66,000 km of power transmission and transformation lines, along with 150,000 km of backbone communication networks across the continent.

By the end of this June, China had implemented zero tariffs on 98 percent of products originating from 27 of Africa's least developed countries. 

China has also signed bilateral agreements on the promotion and protection of investment with 34 African countries as well as agreements on the elimination of double taxation with 21 African countries. These efforts in "soft connectivity" have bolstered trade relations, with China-Africa trade volume reaching a record $282.1 billion in 2023, marking the second consecutive year of a new historical peak. China's direct investment stock in Africa also surpassed $40 billion by the end of 2023.

China's support extends beyond infrastructure and trade. By June this year, China had provided aid to 53 African countries, implementing a range of livelihood projects in areas such as food security, water supply, maternal and child health, and education, benefiting over 10 million people.

On the educational front, the joint programs to help African students find employment along with the establishment of dedicated scholarships, 17 "Luban Workshops" and the Institute of South-South Cooperation and Development highlight China and Africa's commitment to talent development.

In healthcare, China's contributions include the construction of over 130 hospitals and clinics in Africa and the deployment of Chinese medical teams to 45 African countries. Partnership mechanisms have been established with 46 African hospitals, significantly enhancing local healthcare systems.

Meanwhile, 62 African media outlets have joined the Belt and Road News Network and 50 have become part of the "African Partners" media cooperation network. Furthermore, bilateral tourism cooperation documents have been signed with 31 African countries and 166 pairs of sister-city relationships have been established between China and Africa, fostering deeper connections and mutual understanding.

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