Located in Yuli County in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Lop Nur People Village offers a unique panorama where the Tarim River, Taklamakan Desert, and an ancient Populus euphratica, or Euphrates poplar, forest reserve intertwine, painting its scenery with rich hues of green and yellow. This setting, steeped in the ancient culture of Lop Nur people, creates a serene oasis amid the desert.
Each year, the village hosts a series of grand events, like the Lop Nur's folk barbecue festival, the desert Populus euphratica art festival, desert music nights, off-road racing and camping gatherings. Lop Nur people, with their distinctive way of life and customs, offer a glimpse into a world unlike any other.
Particularly noteworthy is their rich barbecue culture, which has become a signature of Xinjiang cuisine. With a long-standing tradition, Lop Nur people continue to use their unique methods, skewering lamb and fish on red willow branches and grilling them over the ancient, enduring charcoal of Populus euphratica wood. The result is a dish with a golden hue, a rich aroma, and a lingering taste that delights the senses.