2024.09.02 23:17 GMT+8

From Ghana to Xi'an: An international student's journey to China fueled by aerospace passion

Updated 2024.09.02 23:17 GMT+8

Bruce talks with other students in the laboratory at Northwestern Polytechnical University in Xi'an, capital of northwest China's Shaanxi Province. /CGTN

Bruce, an international student from Ghana, has undertaken an inspiring journey from his home country to China, driven by his passion for aerospace technology. Now pursuing a PhD in Aerospace Science and Technology at Northwestern Polytechnical University in Xi'an, he is deeply involved in cutting-edge research on propellant combustion and other aerospace-related areas.

Bruce's fascination with aerospace began in his youth. Growing up in Ghana, he was captivated by the Chinese classic "Journey to the West," which was often broadcast on national television. "I love the character (Sun Wukong); I kind of relate to him because even though he has weaknesses, he still tries to give his best self," Bruce said.

This inspiration led him to choose a specialized university in Ghana that offered aerospace majors. After earning his Bachelor of Science degree, Bruce set his sights on China to further his studies.

In 2022, Bruce completed his master's degree at the Beijing Institute of Technology. To conduct more research on the combustion reaction mechanisms of propellants, he moved to Xi'an to pursue a PhD at the School of Aerospace Science and Technology at Northwestern Polytechnical University. The more open experimental environment and diverse academic activities there have broadened his horizons.

"We do experiments that are really advanced in the development of the space industry in China and the whole world," said Bruce, adding that he values this experience because it reflects a can-do attitude.

"Once you put your mind into it, you can do it," he said.

Bruce, currently pursuing a PhD in Aerospace Science and Technology at Northwestern Polytechnical University in Xi'an, has been fascinated by aerospace since his youth. /CGTN

Bruce noted that coming to China has also deepened his understanding of the country's rich history and culture, which he was less familiar with in Africa. "Being in China really enlightened me about Chinese culture as a whole and, of course, the aerospace industry," he said.

Bruce's parents initially thought that studying aerospace was "unrealistic." However, his experiences in China have strengthened his resolve and increased his confidence in the country's aerospace industry. Bruce said that every time there's a launch, he receives notifications and will watch the entire video.

During his five years of study, Bruce has consistently achieved excellent grades and received numerous honors. He attributes his growth to the cooperation and traditional friendship between China and Africa. As more international students join the program, Bruce, as a distinguished student ambassador, began sharing the story of China's aerospace industry with a wider audience.

Bruce aims to contribute to the advancement of rocket engine design through his studies and hard work. Looking ahead, he dreams of joining the Chinese space station as an aerospace engineer.

"I hope that one day I'll be choosing to go there, that will really be a dream come true," he said.

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