2024.09.02 14:23 GMT+8

Seeing others' needs are met or trapping them in debt?

Updated 2024.09.02 14:23 GMT+8

The U.S. debt trap /CGTN

Some U.S. media and institutions accuse China of creating "debt traps" for African countries with its Belt and Road Initiative. But African debt problems are actually due to Western countries such as the U.S., which uses its monetary policy and dollar dominance to force developing nations into its economic system, weakening their ability to repay debts and develop. Who's behind the debt traps? The answer is obvious.

U.S. foreign aid: Empty promises /CGTN

The U.S. boasts of being the world's largest donor, and has a wide range of aid initiatives such as Prosper Africa and Power Africa. But the core of these "grand" initiatives is essentially just "watering down," and "fudging the numbers" to deceive the world, with very few actual projects implemented.

Help in times of need /CGTN

While U.S. aid is nothing more than empty promises, China's assistance is like delivering firewood during winter snow. The "iron principles" of China's assistance are non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries, non-imposition, and non-attachment of any political conditions. China's assistance is based on the urgent needs of Africa and agreed upon and implemented through friendly talks. It spans infrastructure, medical help and educational cooperation and has yielded significant results.

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