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CGTN anchor Lincoln Humphries and reporters You Yang and Xu Yi take you to the factories of China's leading automaker, FAW Group, in Changchun, capital of northeast China's Jilin Province, to witness the manufacturing process of the country's iconic sedan brand Hongqi and guide you on a cultural tour. The company was formerly called China First Automobile Works, and its history can be traced back to July 1953, when construction of its first assembly plant began. That makes it one of China's oldest and biggest automobile manufacturers. Stay tuned.
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Copyright © 2024 CGTN. 京ICP备20000184号
Disinformation report hotline: 010-85061466
CGTN anchor Lincoln Humphries and reporters You Yang and Xu Yi take you to the factories of China's leading automaker, FAW Group, in Changchun, capital of northeast China's Jilin Province, to witness the manufacturing process of the country's iconic sedan brand Hongqi and guide you on a cultural tour. The company was formerly called China First Automobile Works, and its history can be traced back to July 1953, when construction of its first assembly plant began. That makes it one of China's oldest and biggest automobile manufacturers. Stay tuned.