2025.03.06 13:41 GMT+8

Embracing nature's canvas in Chinese villages

Updated 2025.03.06 13:41 GMT+8

Embracing nature's canvas in Chinese villages /CGTN

Embracing nature's canvas in Chinese villages /CGTN

Embracing nature's canvas in Chinese villages /CGTN

Embracing nature's canvas in Chinese villages /CGTN

Embracing nature's canvas in Chinese villages /CGTN

Embracing nature's canvas in Chinese villages /CGTN

With the arrival of spring, the whitewashed walls and black roof tiles stand in serene contrast against the colorful backdrop of blooming flowers and lush greenery. From meticulously crafted bouquets to intricately arranged blooms, every flower tells a story that draws together Huizhou's cultural heritage and the natural world.

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