Battling cancer can often be a long fight. For many patients, dealing with the mental pressure from the disease can take a real toll. It is cancer awareness week in China. Let's take a look at a group of volunteers, who help to cheer up patients during their long battle with the disease.
When patients are diagnosed with cancer, the first word that might come to their mind might be ... death. Patients can sometimes make their condition worse with all the mental pressure from the diagnosis. But there is a group of people, who are using their own experiences fighting cancer to help others.
HUANG XIAN VOLUNTEER "Be there for them. Mostly, it is to use my own story as a reference to encourage them."
Huang Xian was diagnosed with ovarian cancer four years ago. Her doctor at the time said Huang would only live for another six months. She has not only won her battle against cancer, but also become a volunteer at a tumour hospital. Her volunteer work involves providing psychological assistance.
HUANG XIAN VOLUNTEER "No one wants to get cancer, so first love and support from the family are a must. Secondly, finding the right treatment for yourself is also crucial, because everyone's body is different. The third is to be optimistic."
Experts say the cause of cancer could be related to nerves and emotions. Nearly half of patients diagnosed with a tumor have some kind of psychological disorder.
WANG ZHENGUO DIRECTOR OF VOLUNTEERS "Many cancer patients think about death when they first hear the diagnosis. When they are afraid of death, they are frightened. This is the time they need psychological assistance. We have to initiate a positive conversation between the doctor and the patient. It is to help the patients win the battle against cancer."
Experts say negative emotions will impact the endocrine and immune systems of patients. Love from family and friends will help them stay positive, as well as encourage them to participate in physical and social activities they are capable of.