Future of the DMZ: Environmental concerns over development plans on Korean peninsula
Updated 10:33, 04-Dec-2018
Centered on dismantling the Demilitarized Zone on the Korean peninsula, but some environmentalists are not happy. They worry the area -- home to many endangered species -- could be at risk. CGTN's Jack Barton has more.
Demining efforts have begun in the Demilitarized Zone, military outposts are being removed, road and rail links reconnected and there are even bigger plans if sanctions are eased.
KWON DAE-JOONG DIRECTOR, KOREA REAL ESTATE SOCIETY "If the two Koreas build a new industrial complex such as the Kaesong industrial complex, especially with cheap labor from North Korea and the technical skill of South Korea, it will be near the border area."
Land prices near the DMZ have been soaring and there is talk of one day developing the zone as real estate. Conservationists are understandably concerned.
SEO JAE-CHU GREEN KOREA UNITED "More than 100 endangered species, which is about 40 percent of Korea's total endangered species, live in the DMZ."
This DMZ museum displays just some of the endangered species currently thriving in the zone.
SEO JAE-CHU GREEN KOREA UNITED "Some of the most endangered species include the Asiatic Black Bear, the musk deer, the sky squirrel and the sable and wild cats. In particular cranes and white-naped cranes form stable habitats."
After some initial excitement, the Real Estate sector now largely agrees the DMZ should become Asia's largest nature zone.
KWON DAE-JOONG DIRECTOR, KOREA REAL ESTATE SOCIETY "Even if the two Koreas manage reconciliation the region is unlikely to be developed because it is worth preserving in its natural state. We want it and I think North Korea wants it that way."
And it's no longer a distant dream.
CHO HAN-BUM, SR ANALYST KOREA INSTITUTE FOR NATIONAL UNIFICATION "The total area of the DMZ will be turned into a peace zone within the next year or the next two to three years. It's possible now."
JACK BARTON GYEONGGI PROVINCE, SOUTH KOREA "Possible if the wider denuclearization diplomacy succeeds, though if talks fail, humanities loss might ironically be nature's victory, at least in the demilitarized zone. Jack Barton, CGTN, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea."