Thailand is a country that has been deeply divided by political conflict and even violence for more than a decade. But now Thais have pulled together in spirit and action to support the rescue efforts for the trapped soccer team in any way they can. Rian Maelzer reports.
At the entrance to the Chiang Rai cave, a tent town has sprung up to cater to the needs of family members, those assisting in the rescue and the media.
Here the factors that have so often divided Thais – political affiliation, region, religion and class have been put aside. People volunteer to keep everyone comfortable, healthy, fed, and supplied, whether it be with batteries, anti-fungal creams or underwear.
"We've got a lot of medical and other essential supplies here we are giving away for free. They were donated by government offices but also by the public."
Several people have volunteered to shuttle rescuers and media into the site, even though, like this farmer, they themselves struggle to make a living.
"I'm here to do what I can because these boys were from a football team playing all over the area, so the people around here, we all know them."
"We are here to get good karma. For example, we see people from far away coming to help and so we know that as local people we really must come."
RIAN MAELZER CHIANG RAI PROVINCE, THAILAND "It's not just Thais that have come together in their desire to help. Specialists and rescuers from several countries including China have converged here."
CHEN XIAOBIN CHINESE DIVING TEAM MEMBER "I feel that the cooperation between us is mostly very good, especially the divers because we have an international language among the divers, and that makes the cooperation very smooth and effective."
The gargantuan effort to bring the kids safely out and to support those striving to do that has brought out the best in people, reminding everyone what collective will and spirit can achieve. Rian Maelzer, CGTN, Chiang Rai Province, Thailand.