World’s tallest man meets world’s smallest woman in Egypt

2018-01-27 23:04 GMT+8

1 / 5   The world's tallest man, Sultan Kosen from Turkey, and the world's smallest woman, Jyoti Amge from India, were invited to the site of the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt on Friday. /VCG Photo


2 / 5   Sultan Kosen first got the title of the world’s tallest man in 2009 and was measured 243 centimeters. However, he had since grown taller, and broke the record in 2011, measured 251 centimeters. /VCG Photo


3 / 5   Jyoti Amge, who was officially declared as the world’s smallest woman in 2011, measured 62.8 centimeters. She has starred in several films and television shows, including the fourth season of American Horror Story, documentary Body Shock and Hindi film Pan Supari. /VCG Photo


4 / 5   Sultan Kosen’s giant height is caused by a condition known as "pituitary gigantism", which is the result of an over-production of growth hormone. /VCG Photo


5 / 5   Joyti Amge has a form of dwarfism called achondroplasia and will not grow any taller than her current height. /VCG Photo

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