The Big Picture: Healthcare challenges in Africa
Robert Nagila
Africa is confronting the world's most dramatic public health crisis, according to the World Health Organization.
Some of the fundamental healthcare challenges across the continent include: access to healthcare, inadequate funding by governments, lack of basic healthcare facilities, and a lack of trained healthcare workers.
Despite the challenges, more and more people are accessing healthcare, making the application of technology in healthcare increasingly significant. 
Technology is a route to providing people in remote areas access to better healthcare. But perhaps even more important, easier access to data helps both doctors and policymakers make better-informed decisions about how to continue to improve the system.
So while a lot still needs to be done, and experts agree it will take a monumental effort before the continent’s healthcare systems are up to scratch, it is heading in the right direction.
With a population of about 1.2 billion people living in 54 countries, the African continent accounts for 12 percent of the world’s population. 
According to a survey in 2016 by Afrobarometer conducted across Africa, health is ranked as the second most important national issue, outranked only by unemployment.