Trump retweets anti-Muslim videos from far-right British party
US President Donald Trump on Wednesday retweeted three anti-Muslim videos that had originally been posted by a leader of a far-right British party.
One of them purports to show a Muslim beating up a Dutch boy on crutches. Another is described as showing an Islamist mob pushing a teenager off a rooftop. The third purports to show a Muslim throwing down and smashing a statue of the Virgin Mary. 
Screenshot of US President Donald Trump's twitter

Screenshot of US President Donald Trump's twitter

The footage was posted on Wednesday by Jayda Fransen, a leader of the anti-immigrant Britain First group, saying that they showed a group of people who are Muslim beating a teenage boy to death, battering a boy on crutches and destroying a Christian statue.
Fransen, along with the fringe group's head, was arrested in September and charged with causing religiously aggravated harassment over the distribution of leaflets and posting online videos during the court trial involving the case of a number of Muslim men accused and later convicted of rape.
The video of the Virgin Mary statue being wrecked has been on YouTube at least since 2013. It is labeled as showing a jihadist in Syria doing the destroying of the icon. 
Source(s): AFP ,Reuters