Moscow isn't backing down from the White House taunts. More troops are heading to Douma. And Syria is positioning aircraft at a Russian base on the Mediterranean coast. CGTN's Julia Lyubova is in Moscow with the reaction to Trump's tweets.
JULIA LYUBOVA MOSCOW "So Moscow has responded to Donald Trump's tweets warning Russia to get ready for missiles to be fired at Syria. Russia simply said it doesn't engage in twitter diplomacy."
ALEXANDER ZASYPKIN RUSSIAN AMBASSADOR TO LEBANON "If there is a strike by the Americans, then we point to declarations made by President Putin and the Russian military leadership that the missiles will be downed, and even the sources from which the missiles were fired."
He said that was based on previously statement made by Vladimir Putin. But of course, Russian's reaction depends on if any Russian troops die in any air strike. Julia Lyubova, CGTN, MOSCOW".