AI & Risk Management: Insights from WEF Tianjin 2018
Updated 16:43, 23-Sep-2018
The changes in global trade dynamics are accelerating. That's why precise and predictive artificial intelligence is vital. But where should companies look at first?
Another application is preventing financial fraud, as global investment confidence is weak.
To power the process, companies need to run their data analysis on cloud systems for faster outcomes.
For companies that cannot develop their own AI, where should they acquire the technology?
But critics believe AI itself is a risk as it may cost jobs. But this view is not backed by Accenture.
A report by the World Economic Forum says AI and robots will create 60 million more jobs, instead of taking them away.
Most of the business executives CGTN spoke to are bullish about AI and robotics, seeing that opportunities and benefits outweigh the potential risks. XC, CGTN, TJ.