Ninja cat: Japanese photographer captures perfect ‘cats Karate’ moments

2017-11-01 20:51 GMT+8

1 / 4   Have you ever wondered what cats do at home alone? Eat? Sleep? Or…practice Karate? Professional Japanese cat photographer Hisakata Hiroyuki has proved with his exquisite filming skills that cats sometimes do know how to fight! /Photo from Hisakata Hiroyuki


2 / 4   In Hisakata’s photos, cats are seen playing various Karate movements, such as high kick, sliding feet and power punch. /Photo from Hisakata Hiroyuki


3 / 4   Actually, these photos are clicked at the perfect time while cats are playing. It normally takes Hisakata hours to capture cats’ perfect Karate-style pose. /Photo from Hisakata Hiroyuki


4 / 4   With a user name photo.accent, Hisakata now has over 10,400 followers on Instagram. He also published two books featuring cats “playing” Karate. Thanks to Hisakata’s creative artworks, netizens gave the cats in his books a new name: Ninja cat. /Photo from Hisakata Hiroyuki

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