China-ASEAN Expo: Opportunities grow between China, Malaysia
Updated 21:18, 15-Sep-2018
The trade volume between China and ASEAN countries has grown 5 times over the last decade and a half, gaining more speed in the last five years. Malaysia has been one of the countries in the middle of that rapid growth. CGTN reporter Sun Ye spoke to some of the Malaysian participants at the event.
ZAIHAL says he has nothing to complain about when it comes to his business in China. The returns he gets from selling everyday commodities, even those with relatively low-profit margins, keep going 'up and up and up'.
He expects to soon sign a deal with a Chinese distributor that promised to bring him 50 million yuan in the next three years. And Zaihal says he has the Belt & Road Initiative to thank for.
SUN YE NANNING "The ASEAN traders we talked to today say the belt and road initiative not only gives them favorable policies. But the connection and understanding of one another coming from the project is giving them the trust and confidence of a bright future that goes beyond consumer goods."
ONG KIAN MING, DEPUTY MINISTER MALAYSIA MINISTRY OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND INDUSTRY "We are the gateway in Southeast Asia, and our people with Chinese heritage makes it easier for the projects to deliver. Right now we're also looking at the E and E sector and industry 4.0 related areas for more cooperation under the belt and road initiative."
A time of opportunity. For Zaihai though, he is sticking with his trade fair show, which had always brought him good business. SY, CGTN, NANNING.