Love: Say it out loud!
Yang Xinmeng / Lin Zihan
What is love?
Dante Alighieri said, "Love is the seed of you in every virtue."
There are a thousand answers in a thousand people’s eyes. It's a feeling that cannot be described, but one thing for sure is that love is mutual.
Many say the post-millennial generation takes love for granted. Growing up under the one child policy with a rapidly developing economy, they’re often referred to as the spoiled little emperors, with zero experience of how to share love with the people around them. Love seems nonreciprocal to post-millennials.
We talked with 20 students between the ages of six and 17, and found out they’re actually deeply touched by the everyday moments in life – dinners mom cooks, commuting to school with dad, kind words from grandma – and are just too shy to express their feelings. Here's what they said.