BRICS: Sports collaboration casts a win-win 'gold medal'
As sports is an important part of humanistic communication, the BRICS countries have been working closely in the field of sports.
China, as this year’s host for 2017 BRICS Games, highlighted the cooperation of BRICS nations and has been actively promoting sports exchanges between the member countries.
Each member nation of BRICS has its own features and strengths in the field of sports – passionate as Brazilian samba football, elegant and stunning as Russian synchronized swimming team, a good example of integration of force and beauty as the Indian yoga team and intense football play brought by South Africa.
Chinese player Tian Yuan in the fencing game on June 19, 2017. /Photo via

Chinese player Tian Yuan in the fencing game on June 19, 2017. /Photo via

Martial arts, China’s classic traditional sports, play a crucial role in sports exchanges and integration between China and the rest of the world. Indeed the overall exchanges between China and BRICS countries are far more than that.

China-Brazil football cooperation, a great beginning

The most impressive cooperation between Brazil and China has to be their cooperation in the field of football. Brazil is undoubtedly recognized as a leading football nation globally. It has won the World Cup five times so far. 
Jianlibao youth soccer team Brazilian coach Louis Raymond arranges tactics on February 28, 1997. /Xinhua Photo

Jianlibao youth soccer team Brazilian coach Louis Raymond arranges tactics on February 28, 1997. /Xinhua Photo

FIFA had once commented that Brazil is a symbol of football and Brazil’s yellow shirts represent the highest level of World Cup. No wonder, the Latin American country attracts the attention of the world for its football prowess.
As members of BRICS, China and Brazil are cooperating in the arena of football. With more and more Chinese players going to Brazil to get training in football and a lot of Brazilian players joining Chinese football clubs, this partnership is being seen as a starting point for sports cooperation between the two countries.

Russia's assistance in winter project

Russia, as a geographically closer neighbor of China, is also keen on sports cooperation. As a leader in winter sports, Russia has offered substantial help in the development of China’s winter sports projects. 
Last June, this cooperation between the Chinese and Russian governments saw China’s first professional club – Kunlun Hongxing professional hockey club – joining World’s top hockey league, which was hosted in Beijing. 
 Russian athletes at the Fifth Sino-Russia Youth Games opening ceremony wave the national flags of China and Russia on July 11, 2013. /Xinhua Photo

 Russian athletes at the Fifth Sino-Russia Youth Games opening ceremony wave the national flags of China and Russia on July 11, 2013. /Xinhua Photo

The club, comprising Chinese, Russian, Finnish and other European players, has the mission not only to compete in Kontinental Hockey League (KHL), but it is also an important part of Sino-Russian sports cooperation. 
Kunlun Hongxing ice hockey team in the 2016-2017 KHL  playoffs.

Kunlun Hongxing ice hockey team in the 2016-2017 KHL  playoffs.

The club has aims to set up ice hockey vertical systems which will include a club building, racing and training tracks; youth ice hockey schools; and building public ice rinks to promote Chinese ice hockey.
The reform and development activity will be conducted with an eye to drive the popularity of ice hockey in China.

India and S. Africa step up to the game 

The Sino-Indian sports cooperation has a long history. As early as the 1950s, India had sent a national volleyball team to visit China. 
The two sides have started perennial cooperation in competitive sports, sports medicine, sports research and other areas which include experience sharing and exchanging. 
Although the sports exchange between China and South Africa started a bit later than cooperation between China and other BRICS countries, it has seen a rapid development in recent times.
In February 2014, the Sino-South Africa sports and cultural exchange association was established in Pretoria to promote the development of related industries in both countries.
2017 BRICS Games opened in Guangzhou on June 17. /Photo from

2017 BRICS Games opened in Guangzhou on June 17. /Photo from

Sports promotes cultural exchange   

The BRICS countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – account for 43 percent of the world population and a combined GDP pf over 16 trillion US dollars, according to Xinhua News Agency.
Sports exchange between the BRICS nations also help facilitate in strengthening their cultural ties. "The first BRICS National Games is also the result of our spirit of openness, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation," Deputy Director of the State General Administration of Sports Yang Shuan said.