Hurricane Ophelia hits British Isles
Hurricane Ophelia, later reported as a tropical storm, landed in Ireland’s west coast on early Monday, local time. /Photo from iFeng News

Hurricane Ophelia, later reported as a tropical storm, landed in Ireland’s west coast on early Monday, local time. /Photo from iFeng News

Strong gusts left three people killed and 360,000 households without power, according to BBC news. All schools in Ireland were closed on Monday and remained so until Tuesday. Local forecasters have warned people to say inside their houses to avoid the storm. /Photo from iFeng News

Strong gusts left three people killed and 360,000 households without power, according to BBC news. All schools in Ireland were closed on Monday and remained so until Tuesday. Local forecasters have warned people to say inside their houses to avoid the storm. /Photo from iFeng News

Even though it lost little strength as it moved north-north-east across the Atlantic, Ophelia, earlier predicted as the worst hurricane in half a century, still tackled down thousands of trees, tore houses apart and raised huge waves. /Photo from iFeng News

Even though it lost little strength as it moved north-north-east across the Atlantic, Ophelia, earlier predicted as the worst hurricane in half a century, still tackled down thousands of trees, tore houses apart and raised huge waves. /Photo from iFeng News

Before its arrival, the storm caused rare red sun phenomenon in the United Kingdom. Heavy haze consisted of tropical air and dust brought by Ophelia’s remnants from Sahara floated above London and painted the sky orange. /Photo from iFeng News

Before its arrival, the storm caused rare red sun phenomenon in the United Kingdom. Heavy haze consisted of tropical air and dust brought by Ophelia’s remnants from Sahara floated above London and painted the sky orange. /Photo from iFeng News