Along the Yangtze River: One small town's economic transformation and revitalization
Updated 14:06, 30-Jul-2018
It's been two years since the Chinese government announced its strategy to build the Yangtze river economic belt. It is an area that covers 20 percent of China's land and 40 percent of the country's population. Our reporter Ning Hong is on a month-long journey along the Yangtze river. And his latest stop is a small town which used to be a chemical production base. But its economic future is changing.
A typical town along the Yangtze river. Shuifu was built around a large chemical plant.     
The Chemical Plant's profit is falling, and polluting local waters via dumping is no longer permitted. So where does Shuifu's future lie?         
Ai Yonglian is the head of the local transportation bureau. He is working on a solution.     
AI YONGLIAN DEPUTY HEAD, YONGFU TRANSPORTATION BUREAU YUNNAN PROVINCE "With the chemical plant no longer a source of revenue, I feel this town will get rich by having a new port."
His confidence in the new port comes from the town's unique location. This is the first dock in the western region of the Yangtze River. If ships come in here, it will greatly reduce the cost of moving goods from Yunnan to as far as Shanghai.       
NING HONG SHUIFU COUNTY, YUNNAN PROVINCE "This small town was built in the 1970's around a chemical plant. For years, it has been the pillar of the local economy. But people here are looking to re-invent their town."     
A dock was built in 2010, and the current plan is to expand it, to handle over 500 tons of cargo capacity. It will help transport agricultural products from Yunnan via the river.   
AI YONGLIAN DEPUTY HEAD, YONGFU TRANSPORTATION BUREAU YUNNAN PROVINCE "The cost of shipping transportation along the river is 65 Yuan per ton kilometer, it will bring more income to farmers, and makes us a transportation hub along the Yangtze river."     
Yet the plan brings with it some drawbacks. Unless the dock is designed to accommodate even larger capacities, big ships still won't be able to reach here.   
The route between this dock and Yibin, the next dock downstream, offers limited dimensions. Yet Ai is hoping to expand.
AI YONGLIAN DEPUTY HEAD, YONGFU TRANSPORTATION BUREAU YUNNAN PROVINCE "We are actively coordinating the effort to expand the channel, and allow 5000-ton ships to dock on this port."
The dock will be fully operational next year, but reaching its intended capacity, will take more efforts. As protection of the Yangtze river is now paramount, the future of this small town depends on the hopeful and eventual success of this dock. Ning Hong, CGTN, Yunnan province.