Earlier, we spoke to Ivan Eland, a Senior Fellow and Director of the Center on Peace & Liberty at the Independent Institute. He told us more about Russian meddling in US politics.
IVAN ELAND DIRECTOR OF PEACE & LIBERTY CTR, INDEPENDENT INSTITUTE "It's said that the U.S. outcome of the election was not a fact,which of course is not true.The intelligence community has not comment on that and whether there was collision between this campaign and the Russians was there still investigating. This particular indictment seems to indicate that in this particular group of people that indicted, they haven't yet accused the Trump campaign of collusion but that doesn't mean they couldn't in the future. So, it's very curious he's constitute more on it's own campaign than telling the Russians they should stop and recommending taking action because the intelligence community here just testify last week that they are ready interfering in our midterm election this year."
IVAN ELAND DIRECTOR OF PEACE & LIBERTY CTR, INDEPENDENT INSTITUTE "Well, They have tens of thousands of people of the FBI. But I'm not sure the general indictment of the FBI and particularly trying to take advantage of that crisis to blaming the FBI to undermine the investigation of Russia.There are really two separate things."